Groom Guy

5 Things Every Man Should Carry With Him on the Daily

By: Kadia Blagrove

As a member of the female human species, I must admit, I am a bit jealous of men’s ability to travel light. Sure, some guys carry handbags and backpacks but menswear gives ample storage space (see: pockets) to put all of your belongings. You dudes have options! But enough with my rant; let’s talk about the things you should be stuffing in your pockets/handbags/backpacks. A huge part of a groomed lifestyle is maintenance. In order to sustain peak flyosity all day, be sure to have the below essentials on your person.

Hand Cream:  Everyone loves a smooth handshake. Keep your hands moisturized throughout the day with the help of a travel-sized hand cream. You don’t have to get anything fancy, any kind of hand lotion or butter will do.

Breath Refresher: Never leave the house without a breath mint, a pack of gum, or a tiny bottle of listerine. Everyone’s breath can get a bit tart throughout the day and it can get really bad after eating certain foods. So load up on your mints and feel free to have that delicious, stinky, garlicky lunch before your meeting.

Comb: We can all use a little midday touch-up, especially on those long, busy days. A small comb or brush will keep your hair/beard looking sharp from AM to PM.

Small Cologne: So many folks overlook the importance of carrying a little bottle of smell-good with them on the go. Some fragrances wear off and sometimes outside elements, like smoke, stick to your clothes. Carrying a small container of cologne or perfume oil will save you every time.

Lip Balm: Harsh weather climates, whether hot or cold, can discolor and irritate your lips. Keep your lips healthy and hydrated year-round by applying a little balm throughout the day. Extra point for you if your lip protectant contains SPF.

All of these items come in travel sizes and you can find them at your local drugstore or online. You’ll be amazed at how a little bit can go a long way.

Kadia Blagrove is an NYC writer on all things life and culture. Catch her tweets at @KazzleDazz and her work on

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