Groom Guy

Watch Short Film “London Locks”

You ever wonder why people grow & maintain these things called dreadlocks? Is their a reason there’s such a vast amount of people around the world who choose this path? And no, its because the musical ghost of Bob Marley led them to do it.

Since the beginning of time until now, dreadlocks have gone thru a string of evolutionary changes and currently represents a strong cultural identity to black people across the world. Film director Aaron Christian gives us a glimpse of the stories told by common dreadlock-stylers in London, UK. From breaking deep rooted stereotypes to infiltrating the fashion industry, these dreadlock-ers share how locking their hair has helped shaped their perspective into who they are & what people perceive them to be. We applaud you Aaron!

“It was the style and confidence that initially drew me in” Aaron Christian, Film Director

London Locks from Aaron Christian on Vimeo.

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