By now, the winter season has had you buried in your house with little to no, muscle movement. I understand its dropping to the single digits with no sign of outdoor heat in sight. Nonetheless, that does not mean we can neglect all those drunk grooming promises you made NYE that evening (Polish’d Promise). As I handle clients day to day and observe my cold surroundings, I witness a pattern of behavior that we’re going to have to change to keep this winter season going strong. Don’t let your grooming habits fall apart this winter and lets bring the heat wherever we go with these quick reminders!
Snap, Crackled, Popped – Some of us are giving pimples & oily skin a free pass with the massive amounts of dry skin build up. We think as long as we don’t look like skeletor before leaving the house “as is” we’re good…Nah! Fuel your skin with that facial moisturizer or grab your loved ones. A great one can easily clear the face of access oils, cleansing agents that reduce pimples, protect skin from the strong winds, and overall gives a visibly pleasing & healthier-looking facial profile. This daily habits also minimizes any chances of skin conditions like dermatitis (eczema), fungal infections like cellulitis or even more severe like type 2 diabetes.

Broken Beard – Don’t try to convince me that the Game of Throne or Viking look is exactly what you’re going for. With their minimal resources back then, the have an excuse. Whether you’re a beard amateur or a veteran struggling on some hard times, don’t allow the cold winter to bury your follice-finesse. Get familiar with a beard brand that works for you and start to apply a shampoo (2x / week) and a daily moisturizer for immediate results. The beard is one of the most exposed parts of the face for direct winds to hit thus allowing for moisture to be quickly stripped. Many enter the barbershop with a dehydrated beard lacking water, products or trimming.
Barber Tip: Beard balms (or creams) have known to be most effective during the winter with lengths over an inch (as opposed to oils).
Reusing Clothes – Before launching Groom Guy, I was that guy taking a second look at those pair of socks I just wore the night before, contemplating I can “James Bond” my way into wearing these again. I mean, who would know my feet would smell like hot dog water if I took them off in public? The simple answer is: Absolutely not. There is nothing sexy nor humorous about wearing the same undergarments twice. For the record, if you want to expose yourself to any bodily fluids or toxins you’ve encountered the day before, I hope you’re ready for the mayhem. So get that laundry day routine underway so always have a fresh pair of undergarments or simply put that order in for a restock.
Skipping Showers – I shouldn’t even be having to write this but unfortunately I have to. Those layers you chose to re wear are packed with sweat and fluids that’ll just remain on your body. Do I even have to say more (stay equipped here)? Shower. Daily.