If you’re like us, then you were shocked to know that President Obama’s reign of supremacy is sadly coming to a close. He spoke last night at his Farewell Address to the America people in a tone of tranquility and victory. He deserves the various accolades for his continued strides & passionate efforts on looking out for the overall, common good of the American people….which now seems highly questionable with our newly President-elect (no, I won’t bother saying his name).
In the midst of maintaining his duties as commander-in-chief, we couldn’t help but notice some outstanding grooming tips from President Obama. We have to recognized his staying power to age gracefully and pick up some really helpful tips on how to look like a worldwide “Boss” and certainly look the part. Here’s what we’ve scooped over the last eight years from the President Obama:
- Embracing the grey
We can imagine being the leader of the free world is no easy task and can bring loads of stress. But if I’m under any stress like this, I’m definitely trying to age like this guy. We can never truly escape wrinkles, unless you’re Pharrell Williams, and President Obama has proven that the wrinkles & grey on his hair can makes it way in smoothly. There’s no JustForMen touching that scalp. The Prez has learned to fully embrace his grey’s and they’ve returned to him with a graceful presence that signifies prestige, wisdom, and a wealth of knowledge & experience. So don’t be that guy fighting the “day of the grey”.
2. “The Obama Cut”
The President may be one of the most powerful man in the world but he still needs his haircut too. We can’t assume that it magically looks like that during his White House Press speeches. There is a man hired to make sure he looks sharp named Zariff. The native Chicago barber has climbed to fame during President Obama’s term due to his ability to quietly keep the Prez polish’d and neat with his frequent barber trips. According to his interview with Essence:
The Obama cut is a custom cut. It came about in 2004 when Mr. Obama came into the shop and said he was speaking at the Democratic National Convention that evening. So I had to make him look sharp. Before that he was wearing his hair longer and a little curlier. I took it down to a short cut, tapered on the sides, back and neck. I wanted it to look more natural. – Zariff (President Obama’s Barber)

3. Radiant Skin
Whether its First Lady Michelle making sure he doesn’t leave the house looking a hot, dry mess or someone in his cabinet, the Prez continues to shine in front of the camera. We can barely spot any type of pimple or skin blemish. We’re guessing someone must have put him onto the newest Scotch Porter’s face charcoal wash or Mallin & Goetz. Either way, there’s no vaseline hitting his face & the daily skincare shows. Now its your turn…
4. Pearly Whites
I’ve ran across my fair share of C-Span correspondents and televised politicians who love showing their grillz and I’m not talking their 14K gold. Unfortunately, these “gold fronts” weren’t the ones you bought from your local dealer but from their leftover dinners they refused to brush out properly. Nothing could be worse then smiling for millions of American people with unkept teeth. President Obama is was one of the happiest presidents I’ve seen photographed. I would too if my teeth graced to cover of t-shirts, posters, and TV screens across the globe. I’m sure his dental plan isn’t cheap but well worth it. He continues to model those shiners (100% real too) with pride. It should make us want to spend an extra two minutes brushing in morning (and at night).