Groom Guy

Lifestyle Tips for Transitioning Into a New Season

As featured on Scotch Porter Journal 

With the changing season, it’s a revolving door of certain habits. It’s time to switch up the plays a bit. Out with the old and in with new could mean an introduction to anything from new fashion styles to seasonal drinks that hit just right in the cooler months (apple cider never disappoints). Either way, there’s a process of evaluation that can lead to smart and healthy choices for a seamless and fun season change. Be open to new opportunities and possibilities this time around. You’ll be surprised by the outcome and how much more about yourself that could possibly be revealed. But first, let’s place a few old habits under the microscope; they could use a little love and attention as we approach fall and winter.

Dig & Discover

Before you unfold those same sweaters and caps you’ve been wearing consecutively for the past two fall’s, ask yourself the critical question: Is it time? A fresh clean out of a wardrobe sets the tone of your style. There may be some things in your closet that can use a slight upgrade. Layering is a stylistic approach that requires attention to detail but shouts “fashion expert.” From various color palettes to different materials (like cashmere or wool), take a little more style-risk this upcoming season. Just because your morning coffee is predictable doesn’t mean your style has to be. Dive into your closet or clothes drawer and give some extra thought to where you would like to take your style. See this as an opportunity to be a blessing to someone else; donate your unwanted clothes to a center, Goodwill, or local church. Let the wardrobe showdown begin…

Atomic Grooming Bomb

As we kiss goodbye to the super hot weather and welcome some cooler winds our body hair shouldn’t have to suffer. We stress the importance of a grooming routine so be thorough and make a few adjustments each season to keep you looking your best no matter the forecast. Allowing facial hair to grow a couple inches longer is permissible and gives grace to your razor. If you haven’t been doing so already, take the time to retire your toothbrush and restock your toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash. If your current toothpaste isn’t cutting it, don’t be afraid to take a chance on a new one; you’d be surprised to see the options out there.

Sweat is a constant so staying equipped with the proper tools of defense is a necessity. This includes practices like changing your bath towels every couple of days. With a new day also comes a new scent, so research seasonal ones that will complement your daily style. You’ll want to hang up the lightweight, aquatic, summery scents and go for more musky, earthy and especially woodsy ones that will make you irresistible and cool.

Welcome Back Beard

If you threw in the towel on your beard earlier this summer, now is the time to redeem yourself. As the transition approaches, now would be the perfect time to let that stubble shine bright. Proper upkeep during the early stages can lead to full, healthy growth as it gets colder. The beard is more than just a stylistic choice but a lifestyle that demonstrates consistency, effort, and attention to detail. Who’s going to say no thank you to that? The Scotch Porter Beard Collection has everything you need to get your beard where you want it, feeling smooth, and looking full. Give those facial hairs your full attention and watch what it does for your relationships. Laugh out loud!

Showtime at the Bathroom

Are you an avid cleaner or does your bathroom look like the battlefield remains of World War II? Either way, the season brings upon us the adult responsibility of making sure our bathroom is clean and tidy for a new day ahead. Hear me loud and clear, you should not wait a whole season to clean your bathroom, but if a season change is what it takes to serve as a friendly reminder, so be it. Maintaining a clean bathroom (or entire household), decreases the chances of any fungal and bacterial infections that can be passed onto you. Each full day ends with a return home from various levels of exposure to dirt and grime. Keeping a clean bathroom not only cuts back on germs, but it also gives off positive vibes, a great way to start and end your day. Don’t believe me? Recall how you feel whenever you check into a nice hotel room. Doesn’t the perfectly made bed and spotless bathroom relieve a little tension and leave you feeling a little lighter? Pull out the cleaning products, jam out to your favorite playlist, and get to the scrubbing.

Pumping Iron

No one is calling for you to be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger but it’s that time to get fit. It’s never too late to get your body in check and reevaluate your eating habits. We know that a workout routine lends to full release of toxins, thus promoting radiant, smooth skin. Before you begin applying facial cleansers or layers of cream, give your body a solid foundation to start from. Fight off that acne or skin irritation with a core workout that can increase blood flow and allow the cells in your body to work properly and release any internal waste. Start small and gradually build up to a strong workout regime that can drive maximum results for a healthy start into the season.

Rapper Ace Hood drops photographical motivation on his IG to get you thru your workouts.

Get started incorporating these habits and you’ll not only have a great fall, but a little more balance overall.

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