Before you take that clipper to your head. One must ask: Do I really want to suffocate my sink with all these hair strands?
But seriously, these times seem more strenuous as the days progress. Your hands have been washed so many times we’ve all put Mr. Clean out of a job. I know there’s a lot more things to be concerned than hair but in the long run, we don’t want it to collapse. It’s no surprise you won’t be seeing your barber, at least, for another four weeks. Tackle the critical question now of what we’ve all been asking ourselves since our last haircut visit: What the hell do I do now?
The buzz may sound like the immediate short solution but could carry a handful of regret and unease if not full analyzed. Some are looking for a fresh start and want to try a short look that reflects the upcoming hot season (burn the virus while you’re at it). Taking a style from the GI playbook, the buzz shortens your am & pm routine with little to no maintenance. Some visit the barbershop or salon routinely to color or reshape processed hair. A short buzz can give any damaged hair some much needed relief. Refocus on other life priorities at the moment and allow your hair to take back seat…where you won’t have to worry if its safe because there’s nothing really there.
Once those clippers get an inch close to your scalp, there’s no turning back. Barbers always say “You can take hair off but you can never [naturally] put it back on.” That statement still stands so really consider that if you wish to mow it all. The look also brings itself a short routine of a clipper cutting everyday couple of weeks. You be the judge of the buzz length by properly using guards.
If you’ve always wanted longer lengths like Jason Momoa, dreadlocks like Wiz Khalifa or skateboard hot shot Neen Williams now is the time to shoot your shot. Being quarantined in the home is an easy avoidance to the public eye during the timely growth process. No need to answer co worker questions or family opinions as time goes on. The general upkeep on shampooing & conditioning is the number one priority. Drop a hat on the head when the growth becomes unbearable and you’re looking for quick styling options (Fedoras > Dad Caps). Let your curiosity run laps as your follicles grow big & tall. There may be a new hair look you’ve always wanted but job restrictions or the awkward growing wouldn’t allow. Now is the opportunity to witness your hair’s capabilities as you maintain natural growth.
Don’t get weary if the hair appears disheveled, messy or unkept. In the naked comfort of your own home, you can do little maintenance checks including clipper (or scissoring) the behind the ear and cleaning the neck routinely. Give your hair a much need break of products and watch it take natural shape. Whatever you decide, turn some heads this upcoming warm season and filter thru all the possible outcomes with a look that fits just right for you.

Polish’d Tip: Introduce some beard growth, if you can, and watch that flow into your new look.