We’re moments away from kissing the winter cold goodbye. It’s about that time to dump those wool sweater / jackets into storage and retrieve those windbreakers. But its in the midst of the seasonal wardrobe change, your grooming routine needs the same, if not MORE, love and attention. Remember when you promised yourself you’d do a better job this year? Well, here’s your shot!
But before we welcome all the and exciting products to stock up on, I had to make sure your aware of the foolish habits that have to be recycled this spring. Out with the old…..and just STAY OUT!
Trim down the body hair
It was probably cute in the beginning. You had your date really getting amused twisting your body hair but now its about that time. The more body hair you keep on during this season is a welcome ticket to sweat and body odor especially if you’re juggling an alleged athletic schedule. So be sure to trim in all places (including in your basement). Trust me, she’ll thank you later. The Wahl Hero trimmer is one I keep in my personal arsenal and absolutely love! It’s powerful and takes clean all types of air evenly for a valued price.
Be sure to tidy up that facial hair especially my bearded men. Don’t wait until you’ve got Gandalf’s Lord of the Rings beard for a touch up and simply show it some clipper attention every two weeks.

Fingernail takedown
There’s tons of slack that can be given to the elongated fingernails during the winter. We can’t hid in the dark forever. Tis the season to pull out that nail clipper making sure to cut down at least once a week. If you won’t, that day in the sun will reveal it all….all that dirt packed up in your nails. Don’t be that person getting caught trying to remove the dirt from one nail using the other!

Change your toothbrush
Although we can celebrate your toothbrush has been steady since 2015-16, we can also celebrate the amount of germs that have contaminated on the bristles. American Dental Association explains exactly why and also other helpful tips to extend the life of your toothbrush.
In some circumstances, you should replace your toothbrush even if the bristles are not visibly frayed. When you’ve been sick with a cold or flu, or have had a mouth or throat infection, sore throat, or a mouth sore, you should replace your toothbrush even if it’s new. Doing so will help prevent re-exposing yourself or others in your household to germs that could cause an illness.
Replace socks
I’d be lying if I said hole habit in the sock is tolerable and I haven’t done it….because it’s totally not. We set ourselves up for shame once your significant other takes sight of that. It showcases poor effort & showmanship in oneself. It also allows for possible fungal odors as sweat buildup increasing during the warm spring weather. Your winter socks have been thru an mild, odor war. It’s time to give them a facelift with some new 100% cotton love of fresh socks. Don’t be weary of popping your sock game with some color too. A little goes a long way!